Bamburi Haller Park is located south of the Bamburi cement plant along the Mombasa-Malindi highway. A product of the company’s efforts, since 1971,when Dr. Haller came as an agronomist to take care of the garden department , after realizing the damage their mining had caused to the environment that when he decided to convert barren landscape of disused limestone quarries into vibrant and diverse ecosystem of forest, grasslands and ponds.
Currently, Haller Park plays host to a variety of wildlife including hippos, pigs, giraffes, buffaloes, and antelopes as well as smaller mammals and birds.
Butterflies, various species of crocodiles, turtles and snakes. There are also palm gardens and fish farms.
The Park was the first recipient to be honored with the United Nations Environmental Program.
Haller Park is under Bamburi cement factory management it is a restored landscape from wasted land to a rehabilitation center of animals and plants.
An artificial park from an ugly environment scar to a beautiful home of nature and science was built from scratches to an attractive Eco tourist site.
Apart from nature there still mining activities going on ,in Bamburi raw materials needed to produce cement (calcium carbonate, silica, alumina and iron ore) are generally extracted from limestone rock are the most precious valuable in the area.
A journalist from Montjali News and a team of other journalists from different countries was today honored to tour the park with the help of Dr. Albert Musando and Kalima who took us through the journey and history of Haller Park from 1971 up to date.

Dr. Albert Musando, scientist at Bamburi cement

Kalima, Eco-system manager at Bamburi Cement.
The tour is sponsored by The Media for Environment, Science, Health and Agriculture (MESHA) Kenya
Twahirwa Umumarashavu Janat.